Wolfatheart2's avatar


forever offline
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Screw this account. I'm moving.
But before I go, I would like anybody who actually takes their time to read this to fully appreciate just how far I've come in four years.
The photos in this videos are fuzzing retardingly embarrasing.

damn, I should have put, like, "My heart will go on" as the music for this.
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I am a...

4 min read
What kind of socks are you wearing?
[ ] Red = loud
[ ] Green = stupid
[x] None = freaky
[ ] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[ ] Yellow = innocent
[ ] Purple = a little too happy
[ ] Black = emo
[ ] Stripes = funny
[ ] Gray = skanky
[ ] Pink = preppy
[ ] Light blue = sexy
[ ] Other = hot
[ ] White = sweaty
[ ] Blue = creepy

What kind of pants are you wearing?
[ ]Shorts = cutie
[ ]Skirt/skort = skank
[ ]Corduroy = gay
[ ]Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ]Ripped jeans = emo
[ ]Cammo = cage fighter
[ ]Jeans = prep
[ ]Pajamas = pimp
[ ]Cargo = clown
[ ]Sweats = athlete
[ ]Boxers = brat
[ ]Booty shorts = female
[ ]Capris = Gangster
[x]Nothing = hoe
[ ]Dickies = weirdo
[ ]Bikini bottoms = tiki
[ ]Other = addict

What is your natural hair color?
[ ]Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[x]Blond = with a broken heart
[ ]Black = with a pretty smile
[ ]Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ]Red = that likes to have fun
[ ]Brown = who loves to be different
[ ]Dirty blond = with a nice butt
[ ]Bald = with herpes

Pick the month you were born on:
[ ]1 = and ate
[ ]2 = and needed
[ ]3 = and killed
[ ]4 = and shot
[x]5 = and ran shirtless with
[ ]6 = and smoked with
[ ]7 = and kissed
[ ]8 = and cuddled with
[ ]9 = and got stabbed horribly by a weenie biscuit
[ ]10 = and killed
[ ]11 = and slept with
[ ]12 = and ran with

Pick the day you were born on:
[ ]01 = the kool-aid man
[ ]02 = a dog
[ ]03 = a shoe...an EPIC shoe
[x]04 = a toothbrush
[ ]05 = Santa Claus
[ ]06 = The Trojan man
[ ]07 = my lover
[ ]08 = a cat
[ ]09 = a star
[ ]10 =Barny the dinosaur
[ ]11 =  a bag of weed
[ ]12 = a glass of milk
[ ]13 = a horse
[ ]14 = a parent
[ ]15 = a box
[ ]16 = a homeless guy
[ ]17 = a jew
[ ]18 = an orange
[ ]19 = a homo
[ ]20 = my mom
[ ]21 = a pickle
[ ]22 = a twinkie
[ ]23 = my crush
[ ]24 = an easter egg
[ ]25 = a jar of honey
[ ]26 = a condom
[ ]27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ]28 = a french fry
[ ]29 = your dealer
[ ]30 = Paris Hilton
[ ]31 = your grandma

Pick the colour of the shirt you are wearing
[  ]White = because I love you.
[ ]Black = because I'm sexy as hell  
[ ]Pink = because the little people told me to
[ ]Blue = because I have AMAZING boobs
[ ]Red = because I'm a pimp and you're jealous
[ ]Polka Dots = because I my life
[ ]Purple = because I got dared
[ ]Gray = (type your own!)
[ ]Other = because that's how I roll
[ ]Green = because I'm good in bed
[ ]Orange = because I smoke
[ ]Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ]Brown = because I had to
[x]Shirtless = because i got abs

Apparently I am a freaky hoe with a broken heart who ran shirtless with a toothbrush because I got abs.

That's a lie. I don't have abs.
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I'm writing this from a Windows store while listening to  music from my iPhone. Irony. I haven't been on dA in a while, and I wouldn't be suprised if any of you forgot I existed. I only just now realised that the further into dA that you go, the more porn comes into view. *fuckton of misspellings* I'm at the Belview mall now *spelled wrong as usual*. I have some more pictures that I used school-time to draw. I'll post them soon. If anyone has requests pending by the way then I'm sorry I'm probably months late on those.
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Homestuck Fantroll Generator! by Chibi


6 sw33ps

You are a...

Your troll blood color...

You live...
In an archit3ctually G3NIUS rod3nt-habitat-typ3 hom3 in a Washinton-climate forest

One of your interests is...
Corr3cting p3opl3's grammar and sp3lling.

An odd intrest of yours...
Cannabalizing oth3r trolls who actually d3s3rv3 it.

Any psychic abilities?
Uhh, mayb3?

Just how dangerous are you to troll society?
Hardly at all.

Your strife specibus...
Strif3? you ar3 no good at fighting at all! You can bar3ly arm wr3stle! How did you possibly assume you could w3ild a w3apon?! Your b3st d3f3nc3 is b3gging for forgiv3n3ss and frantically b3gging th3 attack3r not to harm you. D3spit3 this you ar3 mast3rful at trolling.

Your lusus is a giant...

One word that could describe you is...

How much do you care for the caste system?

Your quirk consists of...
R3placing Es with 3s and replacing Zs with 7s. You hardly 3v3r us3 3mot3s. You drop your typing quirk when talking to individuals who are more important than you are. D3pending 0n h0w much 0f a hurry y0u ar3 in y0u can subs7i7u73 m0r3 0r l3ss le773rs f0r numb3rs b3caus3 l337 sp3ak is jus7 s0 fun!

How wellknown/influential was your ancestor?

Which of the canon trolls do you know personally?

What kind of relationship do you hold with them?
Tr3at th3m lik3 th3y ar3 of 3qual importanc3 to you.

How well do you know them? (0 - none; 100 - a LOT)

How would you die, if you died at all?
Your cowardac3 do3sn't r3ward you oft3n unl3ss th3 attack3r is m3rciful. This ultimat3ly r3sults in your downfall.

How much had you enjoyed your troll life?

[link] here to put in your name and see what you get :U
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bye guys.

1 min read
I won't be able to use any electronic devices until I get ALL of my homework done. I got Fs in a bunch of classes and i'm not allowed to use electronics anymore. bye.
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I'M BLOWING THIS POPSICLE STAND by Wolfatheart2, journal

I am a... by Wolfatheart2, journal

yeah. stuff happens. by Wolfatheart2, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Wolfatheart2, journal

bye guys. by Wolfatheart2, journal